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E-mentoring, Mentoring, Writing, and Diversity Articles and Book Chapters Written Before I Became a Writing Coach (click on reference to read paper)


Kasprisin, C. A., Single, P. B., Single, R. M., Muller, C. B., and Ferrier, J. L. (2008). Improved mentor satisfaction: Emphasizing protégé training for adult-age mentoring dyads. Mentoring and Tutoring, 16(2), 163–174.

Single, P. B. (2008). A campuswide faculty mentoring program: Putting research into practice. In C. Mullen (Ed.). The handbook of formal mentoring in higher education: A case study approach (pp. 213-234). Norwood, MA: Christopher-Gordon Publishers.

Single, P.B. & David, D. J. (2008). A ripple effect: The influence of a faculty women’s caucus on diversity and equity at a public research university. In W. Brown-Glaude (Ed.) Doing diversity in higher education: Faculty leaders share challenges and strategies. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

Single, P. B., and Single, R. M. (2005). E-mentoring for social equity: Review of research to inform program development. Mentoring and Tutoring, 13(2), 303-322.

Single, P. B., Muller, C. B., Cunningham, C. M., Single, R. M., and Carlsen, W. S. (2005). MentorNet: E-Mentoring for Women Students in Engineering and Science. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 11(3), 295-309.

Single, P. B., & Single, R. M. (2005). Mentoring and the technology revolution: How face-to-face mentoring sets the stage for e-mentoring. In F. K. Kochan & J. T. Pascarelli (Eds.), Creating successful telementoring programs (pp. 7-27). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Press.

Kasprisin, C. A., & Single, P. B. (2005). Identifying essential elements of successful e-mentoring programs through needs assessment. In F. K. Kochan & J. T. Pascarelli (Eds.), Creating successful telementoring programs (pp. 51-71). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Press.

Exline, J. J., Single, P. B., Lobel, M., and Geyer, A. (2004). Glowing praise and the envious gaze: Social dilemmas surrounding the public recognition of achievement. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 26, 119-130.

Kasprisin, C. A., Single, P. B., Single, R. M., and Muller, C. B. (2003). Building a better bridge: Testing e-training to improve e-mentoring programmes in higher education.  Mentoring and Tutoring, 11, 67-78.

Chesler, N., Single, P. B., and Mikic, B. (2003). On belay: Adventure education and peer-mentoring as a scaffolding technique for women junior faculty in engineering. Journal of Engineering Education, 92, 257-262.

Single, P. B. and Muller, C .B. (2001).  When email and mentoring unite: The implementation of a nationwide electronic mentoring program.  In L. Stromei (Ed.), Implementing successful coaching and mentoring programs (pp. 107-122).  Cambridge, MA: American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) In Action Series.

Single, P. B., Muller, C. B., Cunningham, C. M, and Single, R. M. (2000).  Electronic communities: A forum for supporting women professionals and students in technical and scientific fields.  Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 6, 115-129.

Single, P. B., Jaffe, A., and Schwartz, R. (1999). Evaluating programs for recruiting and retaining community faculty. Family Medicine, 31(2), 114-21.

Boyle, P. and Boice, R. (1998). Systematic mentoring for new faculty teachers and graduate teaching assistants.  Innovative Higher Education, 22, 157-179.

Boyle, P. and Boice, R. (1998). Best practices for enculturation: Collegiality, mentoring, and structure. In M. S. Anderson (Ed.), The Experience of Being in Graduate School: An Exploration. New Directions in Higher Education, no. 101 (pp. 87-94). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

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